Monday 10/12/2015

A.  Strength

Strict Press


Snatch Grip Press (Perform directly following Strict Press)

5x10@speed (Do not rebound reps.  Every rep should start from a dead stop on the back)

Back Squat


B.  Olympic Lifting

Power Snatch

Work to a heavy single.

Power Snatch + Below knee snatch (1+1)

Max out complex.

C.  Gymnastics

Perform 1 ME set of Muscle Ups.

*This is a test number for a MU cycle we are starting.  Go BIG and get a good number!

3x40% of ME set

D.  Metcon

"2016 WZA Q3"

7 min AMRAP


Push Press 95/65


E.  Accessory Work

3 rounds

ME Barbell row (regular grip)

ME Barbell row (curl grip)

ME Barbell row (snatch grip)

*Perform all rounds and reps at a moderate weight.  Looking for 15+ reps on every set with good speed.  This is not for time but move with a purpose!

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