Wednesday 12/9/2015

A.  Strength 


3x3 pause @ heavy  

B.  Olympic Lifting

Power Snatch 

Work to a heavy single.  

Power Clean 

Work to a heavy single.  

C.  Metcon  

40 T2B 

1000m Run 

4O Burpees 

1000m Run 

40 T2B 

D.  Gymnastics

AV - Test 


Strict HSPU 

*Sets must be unbroken. Athlete must come off the wall after each set. If a set is failed 3 times, finish with kipping and note for furture re-test. 

E.  Accessory Work  

5 rounds 

5 Sotts Press 

5 BTN Snatch Grip Press 

10 Single arm strict press(each) 


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