Tuesday 6/19/2016
A. Strength
Push Press
B. Olympic Lifting
10 squat cleans (245/165lbs) by 2:00
8 squat cleans (265/180lbs) by 4:00
6 squat cleans (285/195lbs) by 6:00
4 squat cleans (305/205lbs) by 8:00
2 squat cleans (325/215lbs) by 11:00
C. Metcon
2 rounds
22 T2B
22 Deadlifts 135/95
200m Run
D. Gymnastics
Strict Deficit HSPU
Max Effort @RX
Rest 3 minutes and repeat. Goal is to hit all deficit sets unbroken if possible.
E. Rowing
10 minutes alternating
1 min max effort
1 min rest
1000m cool down