Friday - 10/03/17


A/B/C/D/E.) All the scores / EVERYTHING counts

3 rounds for max reps and time


4 minutes

500m row

ME rope climbs


4 minutes rest


4 minutes

500m row

ME ring dips


4 minutes rest


4 minutes

500m row




A: rope climbs

B: ring dips

C: toes 2 bar

D: total reps cumulative

E: TOTAL row time (all 3 added together, no gaming for just reps) 



B.) Accessory


4 rounds  

90 second stone hold

20 Thomas taps

- rest as needed



C.) Strength


Box Squat

12x3@53% every 60 seconds


Clean RDL +hang hi pull, off 4” defecit



D.) posterior accessory

3x10 each leg, weighted back stepping lunge

3x10 each leg, weighted stepups

3x30 standing banded pull down crunches

1xME UB GHD sit-ups  

2x12-15 each leg, single leg back extension


E.) StrongMan

10 x 40’ yoke carry @ 70-80%


F.) conditioning - cool down

2000m row @ 60-70% 

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