Thursday - 12/21/17
A.) 7 rounds, every 2 mins, ascending in weight :
Above knee hang clean + jerk
(complex, must complete 1+1 x 2, bringing bar back down to waist after first clean n jerk)
B.) Axel Bar “GRACE”
30 clean n jerks 135/95
C.) Gymnastics strength conditioning
8 rounds - sprints
10 calorie AirDyne
24’ HS walk
-1 min rest-
W/ a weight vest : 3 rounds for reps
40 seconds ME pushups
-20 secs rest-
40 seconds ME cal row
-20 secs rest-
40 seconds ME dips
-20 secs rest-
40 seconds ME toes 2 rope
-2:20 rest-
D.) gymnastics accessory
5 rounds - nft
3 Parallete PVC negatives HSPU
10 lying weighted leg raises
10 lying lower deck crunches
E.) Strict press + push jerk
(3+3) x 7 @ 50-60% of strict press
F.) mobilize something tight.