Tuesday - 11/05/17
A.) Front Squat
- Heavy set of 1
8 KB hang snatch 53/35
16 Toes 2 bar
*alternate arms per ROUND
C.) snatch deadlift
- heavy set of 1
D.) Strength accessory
Snatch grip below knee halting hang hi pulls
7sets x 3reps @ 45-55% of make
E.) accessory
3 rounds
3 x 10 seconds spread plank (hands and feet as far as possible trying to get body as close to ground as possible without touching, 3 sets each round)
10 goblet cossack squat Left
1 goblet cossack squat Right
- rest as needed
4 rounds - monster walks
10 steps Right, left, forward, backward
3 rounds -
10 barbell foot elevated split squat Right
10 Barbell step up Right
10 left
10 left
3 rounds
20 pause GHD (2 sec @ parallell on way down, then complete rep)
ME hollow flutter kicks
ME super man kicks
D.) Conditioning + gymnastics
4 rounds
30 cal AD
60 second stone hold bear hug 150/100
30 second stone hold shoulder hold (alternate side per round)
3 - 360* hand stand walk circles ( walk around one entire mat, switch directions per round )
- 2 mins rest