Friday - 1/19/18
5 rounds - for max reps.
*No time domain.
ME Bench Press
ME PullUps
B.) Gymnastics
8 x 3 parallette negatives for HSPU. Reset and kick back up each rep. Go as slow as you can from lockout to bottom position.
100 free standing thomas taps
C.) Strength
4 rounds
100 ft heavy yoke carry
60 second weighted dead hang (hold DB between legs)
4 rounds
10 heavy DB row
20 DB Z press @ light speed reps. (Seated on floor)
D.) Conditioning - for time
10 burpees
10 ring dips
100m run
20 burpees
20 ring dips
200m run
30 burpees
30 ring dips
400m run