-T2B program week 3-
A.) 8 rounds - Toes 2 Bar
30 seconds Max Reps
30 seconds rest
B.) Teams of 3 - relay
15 rounds for time
14 DB Clean N Jerk 50/35
50’ OH carry
1 rope climb
50’ OH carry
RX+ : 70/55, legless
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C.) T2B accessory
4 rounds
10-15 lying weighted leg raise
ME weighted dead hang
4 rounds
10-15 weighted GHD situp
ME ring support
D.) strength
Clean n Jerk @ 80-90%
Bench Press
- heavy set of 5
Strict press
-heavy set of 5
pendlay row
- heavy set of 5
E.) Conditioning
30 minute: max distance on echo bike