A.) back squat
5x5 @ 72.5%
B.) 2014 Regionals event 3
”Nasty Girls V2”
3 rounds
50 pistol squats
7 ring muscle ups
10 hang power cleans 175/115
50 air squat
14 C2B pullups
10 hang power cleans 115/75
C.) strength
Hang clean
* all above 75%
2” defecit clean pull to knee + above knee hi pull
(3+2) x 7 @ 75%
3 rounds
10 (R+L) weighted step ups - moderate tough weight to 20”/16”
5 seated high box jumps
3 rounds
10 light one-legged quad extension
10 light one-legged ham curls
15 light reverse hyper
D.) Conditioning
3 rounds - max cals
1 min row : arms only
1 min row : RDL pulls
1 min row : traditional
E.) ring muscle up skills
3 rounds
5 hip 2 ring
5 Low ring transitions
5 false grip banded turnovers
5 jumping muscle ups