

- split jerk footwork technique

 - work up to 60% hang clean + jerk


A.) 0:00-13:00


21 hang clean + jerk @ 115/75

200m run

18 hang clean + jerk 

200m run

15 hang clean + jerk

200m run

B.) 13:00-20:00


work up to heavy hang clean + jerk (1+1) 



C.) strength


bench press



strict press

-5x1 @ 92.5% 


Clean pull + clean + push press

(2+1+2)x 6 @ 60-70%


D.) conditioning + gymnastics


8 rounds

every 90 seconds

11 burpees

4 parallette HSPU



4 rounds

:20 sec ME air dyne / 1:40 rest

3 rounds

:40 sec ME air dyne / 1:20 rest

2 rounds

1:00 ME air dyne / 1:00 rest

1 round

2:00 ME air dyne



E.) cool down

-accumulate 2 mins free standing handstand

-mobilize shoulders and hips for tomorrows work