Class Program
-calf/Achilles/hamstring smash
3 rounds
14 walking lunges
10 back extensions
8 over rope + under rope side steps (4/4)
-pose running warm up-
100 single unders
50 single unders while running in place (skip foot to foot in place)
4 rounds
(line up and try to jump rope + skip rope 50ft)
10 singles
10 foot to foot skips
lean and skip 50ft
3 rounds - no rope
5 hops in place
10 heel under butt steps in place
lean + 50ft pose run
workout - for time:
800m run
1 min rest
400m run
1 min rest
200m run
1 min rest
100m run
1 min rest
200m run
1 min rest
400m run
1 min rest
800m run
B.) 4 rounds
30 KB swing 53/35
90 double unders
C.) 4 rounds -
every 4 mins complete:
15 burpees
50ft HS walk (rx+ unbroken)
3 parallette hspu
D.) skill work
4 rounds - NFT
HS walk ramp in one direction
5 skin the cat + 5 chest 2 ring
30 second L-sit