


T2B cycling efficiencies. 


A.) for effort :

100 Toes 2 Bar - in the least amount of sets as possible.

* athletes may rest as needed to ensure low amounts of sets



Internediate : 75 T2B

Scaled : 50 T2B


B.) waterfall, teams of 4:


2 rounds  - sprint

30 walking lunges

25 C2B pull-ups

20/15 calories on Echo Bike

15 box jump over 24/20” 

10 deadlifts @ 225/155




C.) Strongman @ 500pm


log complex

3 deadlift + 3 hang clean + 3 s2oh

- work to heavy


Box squat


back squat



3 rounds

15 monster walks

15 banded lying leg extensions

15 banded lying leg raises


D.) Spend 30 minutes mobilizing.