Monday 10/19/2015

A.  Strength

Strict Press


Snatch Grip Press(Perform directly after strict press)

3x10@60% of above weight

Back Squat


Back rack lunges(Perform directly after squats)

3xME @body weight

B.  Olympic Lifting

Power Snatch

Work to a heavy single

Snatch Pull + Below Knee Pull (2+2)

5 sets @ weight hit above

C.  Metcon

2016 WZA Q6

6 min AMRAP

2-2, 4-4, 6-6...

Muscle Up

Squat Snatch 135/95

D.  Rowing


*2 min rest between rounds

E.  Accessory Work

5 rounds

ME DB Strict Press

ME Strict Ring 2 Chest Pull ups

ME Plank Hold

ME Back Ext

*ME sets should be to failure/high fatigue level each round.

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