Thursday 6/11/2015



A.  Strength 

Strict Press - work to a 3 RM

ME set @85% 

B.  Olympic Lifting 

Power Snatch + Snatch  

(1+1) x 5 @83-85% 

C.  Metcon 

12 min AMRAP

12 Hang snatch 95/65

12 Box Jumps 24/20

12 Ring Dips

D.  Metcon 

5 rounds for time

1 Legless rope climb

2 Rope climbs

3 Power cleans 205/125

E. Accessory work 

3 rounds

10 DB Strict press

10 Strict chin ups

10 DB row(each side) 

F.  Intervals  

10 minutes of max effort interval work. Equal work to rest. Athletes choice rower/air dyne/run.  (i.e  :30 on :30 off / 1:00 on 1:00 off) 

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