Thursday 8/13/2015
A. Strength
Push Press
3 Rep Max
B. Olympic Lifting
Clean n' Jerk
2@75%, 1@80%, 2@84%, 1@88%, double@85%, double@70%
C. Metcon
14 min AMRAP
10 DB Clean n Jerk 55/35
10 Burpee box jump 24/20
10 DB Squat snatch 55/35
30 Double unders
D. Conditioning
EMOM x Death By
5 Burpees
3 Hang cleans
3 S2OH
*athletes will start at 95/65 and increase 10/5 lbs every round until they reach a round they cannot complete. Score = rounds complete + reps in death by minute.
E. Gymnastics
100 Ring Push-ups
*NFT - aim to complete this in a few sets as possible.