Monday 8/3/2105
A. Strength
Front Squat
Bench Press
B. Olympic Lifting
Power Snatch
2x2@75%, 1x2@80%, 1@83, 1@85%, 2x1@80%, 2x1@75%
C. Metcon
30 Burpees
10 Clean n Jerk 135/95
20 Burpees
10 Clean n Jerks
10 Burpees
10 Clean n Jerks
D. Gymnastics
Muscle up ladder 1-2-3-4....
*Athletes will have a 10 min cap to climb as high as possible in unbroken sets of muscle ups.
E. Running
4x800m every 6 minutes
F. Accessory Work
3 rounds
10 Snatch RDL
10 Hip Ext
10 Barbell Row