Monday 9/28/2015
*Taper week in preparation for Crush Games* Athletes not competing, still use this week as a deload.
A. Metcon
4 rounds
10 HSPU(male strict)
15 Pull ups(male C2B)
20 Alternating Pistols
14/12/10/8 DB G2OH after each round 60/40
B. Light Conditioning
50 Cal Row
100 Double Unders
35 Cal Row
70 Double Unders
25 Cal Row
50 Double Unders
C. Gymnastics
Muscle up Work
*Take 10-15 min and hit 3-4 sets around 60% of ME
D. Olympic Lifting
Power Snatch
*Work to a heavy single. No more than 2 misses.
E. Mobility/Prehab
30 min