Friday 9/23/2016
A. Strength
Push Press
3 Rep Max
Back Squat
3 Rep Max
B. Metcon
1 round
24 Bar Facing Burpees
24 Hang Cleans 135/95
24 S2OH 135/95
2 rounds
12 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Hang Cleans
12 S2OH
3 rounds
8 Bar Facing Burpees
8 Hang Cleans
8 S2OH
C. Weakness Work
Take 30 minutes and practice a skill/strength/endurance weakness. Something that you feel needs additional work.
D. Conditioning
5 rounds
20 Push-ups
1 Peg Board Accent
E. Accessory Work
3x15 Hip Extentions
3x10 DB Bench Press