Tuesday - 10/10/17
A.) back squat
- heavy set of 3
looking to beat your triple from 3 weeks ago
B.) 3 rounds for time
18 toes 2 bar
40’ DB OH lunge 55/35
12 DB power cleans 55/35
40’ foot broad jump
C.) strength
Clean DL - heavy set of 3
D.) Accessory - posterior
4” defecit RDL + hi hang hi pulls
(3+3) x 5 @ 30-40% of made triple max
3x12 weighted back extension
2xME back extension
3x 10 good morning
E.) Accessory -4 rounds
15 weighted GHD sit-ups (heavy as possible)
ME dead hang
F.) Conditioning + Gymnastics
4 rounds
20 cal ski
3 half L-sit rope climb, from floor
15 SDLHP 55/35
10 top support ring leg raises
- rest as needed between rounds