Tuesday - 11/21/17
A.) Front Squat
- Heavy set of 3
B/C.) 2015 WZA double shuttle + TRL
B.0:00-3:00 3 min cap
100’ broad jump
100 double Unders
100’ broad jump
c. @ 3:00, 7 min cap
40 toes 2 bar
30 burpees
60’ OH DB lunge 70/50
C.) Strength accessory
Snatch grip below knee hang hi pulls
10sets x 5reps @ 40-55% of max
3 rounds
D.) accessory
3 rounds
90sec plank
10 max height tuck jumps
3 x 15 one legged weighted glute bridge
3 rounds - goblet squats
12 sumo
12 normal
12 narrow
4x15 weighted sit-ups
E.) Conditioning
2 rounds
40 cal AD
200m pinch grip 25/15
40 GHD sit-ups
10 box clear overs 24/20”
-5 mins rest