Monday - 11/20/17


A.) Bench Press

- Heavy set of 3, looking for heavier than 3 weeks ago


B.) mainsite remix - 16 min cap

6 minute dead hang

* every time you fall from bar complete 400m run and 20 push-ups  




C.) Olympic Lifting

- snatch + below knee Hang snatch + above knee hang snatch - 3 reps x 12 sets @ 55% on a 60 second clock

- Clean + jerk + above knee hang Clean + Push Jerk ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ) x 10 @ 55% @ 60sec clock


D.) Strength accessory

-heavy set of 3 dips

2xME strict dip


3 rounds -

10 DB shoulder press

ME tricep banded pull down


3 rounds -

ME push-ups

ME OH heavy tricep extension


3 rounds

10 wide grip DB row

ME bent over rear delt DB fly



E.) Gymnastics - 321 dHSPU


kipping defecit 6”/4”

Week 1 establish max + work

On a 5 minute clock

1 set @ ME

3 sets @ 65% of make


F.) Conditioning

4 rounds 

600m run @80%

200m recovery




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