Tuesday - 11/07/17
A.) Front Squat
- Heavy set of 2
B.) EMOM 8
3 box jump overs
8 toes 2 bar
ME wall balls
score = total wall balls over 8 mins
RX = 30/24” box, 30/20lbs wall ball
scaled = 24/20” box, 5 toes 2 bar, 20/14lbs ball
C.) snatch deadlift
- heavy set of 2
D.) Strength accessory
Snatch grip hi blocks (mid thigh Barbell height) HI PULLS
5x5 @ 70% of make
3 rounds
10 weighted jump squats
10 one legged RDL
E.) accessory
3 x 10 weighted back extension
3 x 20 DB split squats @ light (R+L)
75 weighted sit-ups
Accessory -4 rounds
ME L-Hang flutter kicks
5 ME broad jumps
- rest as needed
F.) gymnastics + conditioning
4 rounds
15 weighted GHD 35/25
40’ HS walk ( 20’ our, 20’ back. a turn around must occur on hands. Last 4’ and first 4’ must be completed unbroken on the turn)
25 cal AD
* 2:00 rest