Monday - 12/18/17



A.) Push Press

-Heavy Set of 2


B.) “Helen” 

3 rounds for time :

400m run

21 KB swings 53/35

12 pullups




C.) strength



- heavy pause set of 2

- 2xME @ 45%


Above knee hang clean + push jerk+ split jerk

(2+1+1) x 10 @ 55-58% , on a 60sec clock



D.) Accessory


3 rounds

10 Underhand Barbell row @ heavy

ME Dips


3 rounds

5 Weighted pushups @ heavy

ME ring rows


E.) Gymnastics + conditioning


3 rounds

10 hspu @ 4” defecit

20 cal ski

8 strict C2B

1 legless rope climb

- 2 min rest -


F.) Conditioning


3200m run

400m run in reverse

400m run



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