Thursday - 12/7/17

A.) Clean max


Halt clean + push jerk

(1+1) @ max (halt 2 seconds below knee) 


B.) 3 rounds - for time  

20 deadlifts 115/75

10 burpee over bar

50 double unders 



C.) Strength



7 lifts between 68-88%



Push jerk from blocks/rack

-heavy single


Strict press - speed

14setsX1reps @ 70%


D.) Accessory

4 rounds, complex unbroken

7-10 hip hang muscle snatch

7-10 drop snatch balance

7-10 sotts press


4 rounds

16 weighted situps

16 landmine core sways ( use a partner to hold down end of barbell, push one side of barbell in front of head. Sway from side to side)


E.) Conditioning

3 rounds (using 200m distance marker)


100m reverse sled drag

50m press sled pull (advance the sled through pressing the straps forward and resetting)

50m row sled drag (advance the sled through rowing the sled straps in reverse)

200m run

100m front rack KB carry right

100m OH KB carry right

100m front rack KB carry left

100m OH KB carry left

200m backwards run

-1 min rest-

ME L-Hang

-1 min rest-

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