Friday - 12/07/17
A.) For time :
450m sandbag carry 80/60
160ft HandStand Walk
100m walking lunge
B.) Post WOD accessory - speed work
7 rounds - every 2 mins
30’ shuttle x 10
C.) strength speed
Front squat -
15x1@65% every 45 secs
barbell row
-work up to a heavy set of 5
D.) Posterior accessory
3x13 one legged RDL
3x12 good morning
3x20 goblet sumo squat
E.) Strongman + conditioning
3 rounds
100’ farmers carry @ heavy
20 stone 2 shoulder
10 strict defecit HSPU
20 toes 2 bar
30 cal AirDyne
-4 mins rest-