Friday 2/10/2017
A. Strength
Front Squat
B. Metcon
CrossFit Games Open 16.2 (AMRAP - Reps)
4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:
25 Toes To Bar
50 Double Unders
Squat Cleans*
*Round 1 - 15 @ 135# / 85#
*Round 2 - 13 @ 185# / 115#
*Round 3 - 11 @ 225# / 145#
*Round 4 - 9 @ 275# / 175#
*Round 5 - 7 @ 315# / 205#
Time extends by 4-minutes when completing a round. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish.
C. Gymnastics
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D. Open Prep
E: 18/15 Cal row
O: 18 Wall Balls 20/15
E. Strength Conditioning
E: 10 Deadlifts @BW+
O: 10 DB Bench
F. Accessory Work
4x10 Strict Dips
4x20 Back Ext
4x1:00 Dead Hang