Tuesday 6/13/2017
Class Program
A. Strength
Bench Press
3 Rope Climbs
21 S2OH 95/65
2 Rope Climbs
15 S2OH
1 Rope Climb
9 S2OH
RX+: 115/75, Legless Climbs
AV Program
A. Strength
Barbell Row
B. Gymnastics
Posted on www.hypegymnastics.com
C. Rowing
16:00 with bursts
*Set the Rower for a single 16:00 interval. Rowing at a consistent pace starting at 0:00 and continuing every 4:00 row 10 strokes as hard as possible and return back to pace.
D. Odd Object Conditioning
For Time:
600m Farmers Carry 53/35
50 Strict Pull-ups
E. Accessory Work
5x10 DB Bench Press *alternating
5x10 Single Arm row
5x10 Strict Dips
5x10 DB Chest Flys