A.) big snatch complex
15 minutes to work up to heavy:
snatch + below the knee snatch + above the knee snatch (1+1+1)
B.) for time :
200m sled drag 120/90
5 rope climbs
C.) strength
snatch balance
-work up to heavy set of 5
Kang squat, pause at bottom
5x5 @ 70-80% of make on snatch balance
D.) skills :
•spend 10 minutes working on 1 arm handstand balance on wall or free standing
•spend 10 minutes working on different direction Handstand walking in 10’ lengths (sideways, frontwards)
E.) rowing intervals (to prepare us further for WZA workout 6 on Monday. We are doing WZA 7 on Saturday)
figure out what a PR pace would be for a 2k row. And learn how to stay at that pace:
8 rounds
1 min : row @ PR 2k row pace
1 min : rest