-Saturday, 4 week Toes 2 Bar program, Day 1-
We are going to run a program to improve our ME T2B in 3 minutes over the next 4 weeks
A.) 3 minutes ME - Toes 2 Bar
B.) Toes 2 Bar accessory work :
4 rounds
10-15 banded straight arm lat pulldowns
10-15 box elevated crunch+leg raise
4 rounds
10-15 ring rows
10-15 ring support leg raises
4 rounds
10-15 DB weighted situps
ME DB weighted dead hang
C.) Strict Press
D.) strength
bench press
hi hang clean + jerk (2+1)
-work up to heavy
E.) 3 rounds
400m run
2 legless rope climbs
20 ring dips