A.) 0:00-18:00
18 min cap
450m run
12 DB snatch 50/35
12 front squats 115/75
12 box jump overs 24/20”
450m run
12 DB snatch
12 Shoulder 2 OH 115/75
12 box jump over
450m run
12 DB snatch
12 Thrusters 115/75
12 box jump over
B.) 18:00-19:00 mandatory rest
@ 19:00
1 min ME :
Unbroken touch n go clean + jerk @ 115/75
B.) strength
Clean + jerk off mid thigh hi blocks
(2+2) x 6 @ 65-75%
Snatch hi pull from mid thigh
6x4 reps @ 65-75% of snatch
C.) 15 min - casual air dyne
*every 10 cals do 3 inch worms
D.)mobilize + foam / lax quads + hips + knees + low back in expectation of potential thrusters / wall balls approaching.