-hspu technique
2018 regionals EVENT 5
20 min time cap
For time:
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes-to-bars
50-cal. Row
50 KB box step-overs 53/35, one KB, 24/20”
20 steps right-arm KB overhead lunge
20 steps left-arm KB overhead lunge
RX+ : assault bike calories
M 70-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box, 50’ ft lunge x 2 , 17-min. time cap
F 50-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box, 50’ ft lunge x 2, 22-min. time cap
B.) clean n jerk
-halt @ knee 3 sec + clean + jerk
(1+1)x6 @ 70-80%
Strict press
-heavy single
C.) Skill
- handstand walk up a max height step
3 rounds
30 GHD situps
3 completions of ramp hand stand walk up ramp and back up stairs
D.) conditioning
70/53 cal air dyne
450m sand bag carry
800m run
35/26 cal air dyne
450m run
45 burpee over sand bag