- warmup mobility session
- butterfly chest 2 bar technique work
A.) Thruster, off rack
-heavy set of 5
B.) 2018 EVENT 2 team, remix
4 rounds for time of:
300-m run
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 clean and push presses 135/95
Time cap: 17 minutes
Team of 2
4 rounds
300-m run together
36 C2B pullups
18 clean and push press 135/95
(Indy regionals, do 4-3-2-1 regionals rope climbs)
C.) regionals training
4 rounds for time
6 ring MU
-HS walk course
20 pistol squats
3 rounds for time
10 squat cleans 145/105
100 double unders
D.) accessory
mainsite Friday 180511, remix
4 rounds
1 min HS hold
1 min dead hang
15 DB press
10 DB lunge
7 weighted rope pullups