A.) Strict Press
5x7 @ 60%
B.) The Fittest experience 2017 Qualifier wod 4
3 ring muscle ups
6 Strict HSPU
36 double unders
*if you complete 4 rounds inside of 4 min AMRAP, you have another 4 mins to complete 4 rounds. Etc, until you cannot complete 4 rounds in under 4 mins
INT : bar muscle ups / kipping HSPU
Scaled : C2B pullups / kipping HSPU
MOD : pullups / Hand release pushups
C.) strength
snatch + hi hang snatch (1+1)
6 @ 70-75%
snatch push press
5x7 @ 60% of snatch
3 rounds
10 snatch grip barbell row
5 hi hang snatch hi pull
3 rounds
10 DB row
10 DB Strict press
E.) 3 rounds
2 mins ME Strict ring MU
3 mins rest
*mod : do strict low ring turnovers
D.) AMRAP 12
10 burpees
50’ HS walk
20 pullups