Wednesday - WZA COOKOUT
2018 WZA individual qualifier wod 7
“Muscle up sandwich”
For Time:
90 Double-unders
70 Wallballs, 10ft, 20/14
50 Deadlifts 185/125
30 Muscle-ups
50 Deadlifts
70 Wallballs
90 Double-unders
Time-cap: 30 minutes
If unable to complete the entirety of the workout, the athlete will add :01 to the 30:00 time-cap for every missed repetition
off knee high blocks
-Snatch double
work to moderate double
Deadlift off blocks
Bar at knee - Work up to:
moderate set of 7
C.) 4 rounds
12 Strict pullups w/ DB 50/35
16 DB OHS (8/8) 50/35
20 weighted back extensions w/ DB
D.) 10 rounds for quality
4 sumo DL @ moderate
1 Turkish get up
E.) barbell hamstring smash
spend 20 mins with it set up on rig