A.) Front Squat
5x5 @ 70%
B.) “death by DB triplet”
every 2 mins until you are unable to complete, or 10 rounds (for time) :
8 burpee box overs 24/20”
8 DB snatch *alt
6 DB thruster (3/3) *hang clean transition
Rx : 70/50
INT : 55/35
Sc : 35/25
*example score: 5 rounds + 12 reps. If complete all 10 put time in comment box
C.) strength
above knee hang snatch
7sets x 2reps @ 74-84%
muscle snatch
7x1, ascending
snatch grip RDL
5x5 @ 70% of snatch
D.) conditioning - on assault runner
for time:
2 rounds-
100m run
:30 sec rest
200m run
:45 sec rest
400m run
:45 sec rest
200m run
:30 sec rest
100m run
— 3 min rest in between round
E.) 4 rounds
ME L-sit
10 one- legged box jumps