A.) Deadlift
-heavy set of 5
B.) for time :
Buy in : 400m run
3 rounds
8 burpees over bar
10 deadlifts
12 Toes 2 bar
Buy out : 400m run
Rx : 225/155
Rx+ : 315/225
Int : 185/125
scaled : 155/105
C.) strength
Snatch off low blocks
snatch DL from 4” defecit
6x3@ highest snatch weight
hi hang muscle snatch + 5 sec pause back squat
(6+6)x5 @ 40% of make
D.) AMRAP 15
10 Strict knees 2 elbow
10 sumo DL 135/95
15 air squats
E.) 4x10 reverse hyper
4x20 straddle leg raises