CLASS PROGRAM - new cycle, Wednesday is now our long day 😈
-double under skills-
•slow / fast singles
•low/hi singles
•wide/narrow singles
• repeat with double unders.
-HS walk warm up-
3 rounds - for time :
800m run
80 double unders
80ft Hand Stand Walk
B.) Skill
•spend 10 minutes working on ring HSPU. Â
If comfortable on low rings, work on a front roll to HS support
•4 rounds
every 5 minutes:
ME L-Sit
Hand stand walk ramp course
* score is total L-sit over 4 rounds
C.) If cardio piece from yesterday was skipped, complete. If not, spend 30 mins working on hamstring and lat recovery. Rolling followed by banded work on rig for lats, straddle and reach work for hams.