Monday 8/31/2015
A. Strength
Back Squat
B. Olympic Lifting
Power Snatch
Work up and hit 2 heavy singles.
3 TnG Power snatch @65-70% of 🔝
C. Metcon
5 min AMRAP
Thrusters 115/80
@ 5 min Mark
3 min ME Double Unders
D. Gymnastics
4x 70% of ME set of Muscle Ups
E. Rowing
For time:
500m-400m-300m- 200m-100m
*Rest two minutes between rounds.
F. Accessory Work
CFHQ 8/30
45-30-15 reps (or seconds) for time of:
GHD sit-ups
Hip extensions
L-sit hold (seconds)
Plank hold (seconds)