Friday 4/8/2016
A. Strength
Back Squat
Bench Press
B. Olympic Lifting
Below Knee Snatch + Above Knee Snatch + 3 OHS
Work to a max.
C. Metcon
4 rounds
10 KB Snatch L 53/35
10 KB Front Rack Lunge L
100m Suitcase carry L
* Switch arms every round.
D. Gymnastics
a. 3 x :20 pistol hold(each leg)
b. 3x10 weighted pistols
E. Agility Work
a. Work to a max height seated box jump.
b. 3x10 Box jump overs
* must clear the box, feet cannot touch the box
F. Accessory Work
5 rounds
10 DB Bench Press
15 Skull Crushers
20 Weighted GHDSU