Monday 8/1/2016
We are starting an 8 week strength cycle that will lead AV athletes into both the 2016 Summer Crush Games & 2017 Wodapalooza Qualifier.
A. Strength
Back Squat
B. Olympic Lifting
Posted in gym.
C. Metcon
4 rounds
8 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24
12 Pull-ups
D. Gymnastics
a. 10 minutes to work on strict MU/ring pulls & transitions. Complete 10-15 strict muscle ups or low ring transitions.
b. AMRAP 3
Max effort muscle ups
E. Rowing
*2 min rest between rounds.
F. Accessory Work
4x10 Single arm row
5xME low ring push-ups
4x1:00 weighted plank hold