Monday 1/9/2017

A.  Strength

Back Squat 

10 Rep Max

B.  Olympic Lifting  

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C.  Metcon

3 rounds
9 C2B
5 Deadlifts
3 rounds
7 C2B
4 Squat Cleans
3 rounds
5 C2B
3 Squat Snatch

RX+: 275/175, 225/155, 185/125
*all C2B must be unbroken

RX: 225/155, 185/125, 135/95

D.  Barbell Cycling  

Every 1:30 hit a set of TnG Power Clean & Jerk

10 reps

8 reps

6 reps

4 reps

2 reps

E.  Conditioning  

3 rounds

200m sandbag run 150/100

20 T2B

F.  Conditioning  

45 Thrusters 115/85

45 Cals Assault Bike  

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