Thursday - 10/19/17
A.) 0:00 - 14:00
7 rounds - every two minutes ascending
- work up to heavy complex
snatch + OHS + hang snatch
B.)@ 20:00
3 rounds - for max reps
1 minute : Hand Stand Pushups
1 minute : Overhead squat 95/65
1 minute : burpee over bar
2 minutes : rest
RX+ : Strict handstand pushups, 135/95
C.) strength
clean off below knee hi blocks + jerk
- work up to heavy double
D.) Strict press
- heavy set of 2
E.) Conditioning
3 rounds
1000m row @ 75% effort
60' Hand Stand Walk
4 minutes rest
3x iron scap program on crossover symmetry
- shoulder maintenance w/lax ball