Monday - 12/11/17 - Upper ME
A new macro cycle begins. A complete overhaul of movements as well as programmed days of movement structure. Some similarities remain as we embark on this next 6 week cycle, but with the added varied intensity of movements, comes heightened intensity of workouts and accessories.
Past 12 weeks structure
M: Upper MaxEffort
T: Lower MaxEffort
W: Conditioning + skills
Tr: Upper speed
F: Lower speed
Sa: Conditioning + skills
New cycle structure
M: Upper MaxEffort
T: Lower Speed
W: Conditioning + skills
Tr: Upper speed
F: Lower MaxEffort
Sa: Conditioning + skills
(Creativity + simplicity + varied intensity = program success)
A.) Push Press
-Heavy Set of 3
B.) for time : 12 min cap
KB cluster 53/35*
C2B pullups
*alrernate hand per rep on floor, may switch on way down
-Upper ME-
C.) Strength
- heavy pause set of 3
- 2xME @ 40%
Hi hang clean + push press + split jerk
(2+1+1) x 10 @ 50% , on a 60sec clock
D.) Accessory
3 rounds
10 Barbell row @ heavy
ME Pushups
3 rounds
5 Weighted Dips @ heavy
ME strict chinups
E.) Gymnastics + conditioning
3 rounds
15 hspu @ 2” defecit
30 cal ski
2 legless rope climb
- 2 min rest -
F.) Conditioning
1 mile run W/ vest
- 2 minute rest
1 mile run
- 1 minute rest
800m run W/ vest