Tuesday - 12/26/17
A.) Push Press
- Heavy single
B.) 12 min time cap
200m sled pull 120/80
20 T2B
200m reverse sled drag
40 Ring dip
20 T2B
C.) strength
•clean + jerk , speed
(1+1) x 13 @ 62-67 , on a 45sec clock
•Dead stop front squat (blocks or rack, starting at bottom position of front squat)
13setsX1reps @ 70% of clean
- heavy pause set of 1
- 2xME @ 50%
D.) 5 rounds - for quality
3 deadlifts @ 185/125
2 hang snatch
E.) 6 rounds
12 DB ohs 55/35
6 burpee box over 24/20
1 legless rope climb
- alternate rounds w/ a partner, each doing 6 rounds
F.) 6 rounds 1:1 work to rest
15 GHD situps
400m row
12 Paralette pushups
12 Goblet lunges