Monday 4/3/2017
***AV athletes, focus during this next cycle is on strength/gymnastics skill/efficiency of movement. If needed, athletes should scale movements/weight/duration so that all programmed sections can be completed with the athletes capacity in mind. If you are not accustomed to the volume of AV, athletes should focus their training in order of areas of weakness.***
A. Strength
Back Squat
B. Olympic Lifting
Posted on
C. Metcon
1-5 Muscle Ups
D. Gymnastics
5 rounds
1 Peg Board Accent
10 C2B
:90 REST
Scaling options Posted on
E. Rowing
*2:00 REST between rounds
*3-5 seconds slower that 2k pace.
F. Midline
4 rounds
:30 GHDSU Hold
:30 Back EXT Hold
1:00 BW Front Rack Hold
2:00 REST
G. Accessory Work
4 rounds
:45 Farmers Hold 70/53
:45 Dead Hang
*Best if performed after Gymnastics as a grip finisher.