Wednesday - 9/13/17
Power still out at HYPE, open gym 9-12 + 5-7 And will stay that way until power is restored.
A.) OLY - no hard push mentally, feel it out for a good 80-85% effort and quality make, preparing for qualifier this week
Clean + hang clean
7 sets, Every 2 mins hit a set ascending in weight.
1 x 5 sets @ 70%
Clean deadlift
Speed reps - 3repsX5sets @ 50%
Front squat
Speed reps - 3repsX5sets @ 50%
3 rounds - 80% effort
2 mins
25/18 cal ski or 30/22 cal row
ME burpees
- 2 min rest -
2 mins
25/18 cal AD
ME burpees
- 2 min rest -
C.) ACCESSORY - 4 rounds
1 min - L hang
30 sec rest
1 min - KB OH squat hold (30 sec L/R)
30 sec rest
1 min - hand stand hold
2 min rest