Monday - 9/25/17

Monday - 9/25/17

A.) Bench

12x2@ 50%

B.) for time

5 rounds

200m run

6 ring MU

20 OH DB lunge 55/35



Hang Snatch - every 90 seconds

10x2 @ 60%

Hang clean + power jerk - every 90 seconds

(2+1) x 10 @ 60%


4x8 Tempo Double KB High Pulls (1-3 Tempo)

•Use a tempo of 1 second up, and 3 seconds down. Use the heaviest kettlebells you can so you are still able to pull through full range of motion. Elbows should finish up with hands above your collar bones.

30 total Ice Cream Scoops

•On the bar, an Ice Cream Scoop begins by puling your chin above the bar, then while keeping your body as straight and hollow as possible, invert your body, while straightening your arms, so the finish position is hanging upside down with hands and bar by your hips. Then return to chin up position. Reps can be repeated without lowering to dead hang.


3 sets - superset

10 DB bench w/ tempo, 3 seconds down-3sec pause-3secUP-3secTop

Immediately into

20 DB bench - super lightweight speed reps. As fast as possible.

3x10 Arnold press (1 arm at a time, alternating)

3x15 tricep kickbacks

E.) OLY accessory

4 rounds

8 underhand snatch grip row

12 seal Delt flys (set bench on low box, lie face down)

F.) conditioning

4 rounds

60sec ME cal AD

20sec ME Shspu


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