Wednesday - 9/6/17
WZA 2016 wod remix
A.) total weight lifted
B.) wod for time
3 Clusters @ max
1000m run
2 clusters @ max
300 double unders
1 cluster @ max
10 rope climbs
*cluster can be dropped in between reps. If you fail any rep, you can reset and try again. Need to hit the amount of total reps at a certain weight for the weight to count.
clean + jerk
(1+1) x 5 sets @ 70-80%
Clean deadlift
1 reps x 3 sets @ 92% of clean deadlift
Front squat
1repx3sets @ 88-90%
D.) gymnastics - lower movement for this weeks programming
E.) accessory
5 rounds
30 sec each arm - 1 arm pause OHS KB hold, sotts press from arm to arm in transition.
2 skin the cats
-rest as needed