Thursday - 1/11/18

ALL WZA ATHLETES : 15 min recovery bike. 45 mins mobility session. Be home or in bed early. All ‘screens’ off by 8pm. Prepare your mind for what is to come 😈 .





WZA 18 swim WOD remix


2 rounds

600m run

100 air squats

15 cleans @ 155/105

7 wall walks




B.) strength


Clean complex - 7 sets from 60-85%

pull + below knee hang clean + (drop) + clean + jerk (1+1+1+1) 


4 rounds

15 good morning

15 weighted ghd situp


4 rounds  

10 Bench press

10 barbell row


4 rounds

ME pushup

ME ring row


C.) Conditioning


15 mins : max distance air dyne


D.) Mobilize something tight. 


**if not working out on friday and saturday and plan on watching at WZA, Friday is going to be ROMWOD up & down dog chipper, followed by lower body work. Saturday is going to be RPM chipper with some upper gymnastics work. You can do those if you find the time to fit them in.

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