Wednesday - 1/10/18

 CLASS PROGRAM IS FOR non competing athletes only. For competing athletes you are permitted to do 1/2 the reps to get a feel, but its time to condition, sweat, mobilize, and get ready. Put your energy towards feeling better for this weekend.



WZA 2018 event 7 -

Peak360 Push & pull - 20 min cap


40 pull ups

150m sled pull 120/80

20 chest 2 bar pullups

150m sled pull

10 bar muscle up

150m sled pull



scaled : 3 rounds - 20 pullups / 150m sled pull 100/70




B.) core + balance


3 rounds - nft

45 sec pushup plank

45 sec elbow plank

20 plank up downs

10 reverse burpees

1 min rest

20 sec side plank (on hand) 

20 sec side plank

10 cossack squats

1 min rest


C.) WZA final day skills session


- work up to heavy set of 4 alternating DB squat snatches

-  25 total triple under attempts or 1 ME set if over 20 UB (WZA competitors use heavy rope for heavy dubs)

- 5 side to side lateral HS walk attempts



D.) cool down + mobility


50 cal ski

- lacrosse ball lats + shoulders + traps

50 cal bike

- lacrosse ball quads + hamstrings + hips


E.) optional conditioning : swimming

400m swim

4 min rest

200m swim

2 min rest

200m swim

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